We are Quick Custom Intelligence.
QCI was founded on the principles of giving your team what they need to succeed in an easy-to-use solution that’s quick to install and quick to see results.
Let's Talk

Focus and align
your business on customer data.
Your customers drive your casino. The more you know about your customers and player trends, the faster you can grow your gaming revenue. QCI brings clarity to the confusion, storing your data in a single place, extracting insights in real-time, and creating a world-class experience for your guests.
Increase your
win per unit per day.
QCI leverages your big data to understand player interactions at deep levels, which machines perform best, and which to remove from your floor without impacting revenue. Look at trends by time of day, manufacturer, denomination, or even individual player—no segment is too small.

Increase your customer loyalty to drive profits.
Quickly create tailored marketing campaigns that reach your best customers. Increase your customer loyalty and revenue by understanding and predicting trends, preferences, and behaviors. Measure, test, and build programs that continuously learn and improve.
Start growing.
Discover how Quick Custom Intelligence can
take your gaming business to new heights.